Before I left, I was told that travelers who get sick tend to do so at the end of long trips, when their defenses are down and they are less vigilant about what they eat.
For me, that moment came on Day 2. For lunch today, I stopped at a crowded restaurant in Zona Rosa and ordered the enchiladas (again) and iced tea. I wasn’t worried about the water used to make the tea – a restaurant that plays Oasis's "Wonderwall" during the lunch hour would certainly use pure water. But it wasn’t until I had drunk half the glass that I realized something else: It was filled with ice.
I drank the rest of it anyway, and crunched the ice in my mouth for good measure. Make my day, parasites! I love ice in my drinks – the more, the better, and I don’t think I can survive five weeks without it. It’s been about 10 hours since lunch, and I still feel fine. Perhaps my immune system is tougher than I think.
After receiving some chastising about my choice of cuisine on my first night here (Subway, Italian BMT), I went to an Argentinian restaurant tonight, Quebracho, with Jim, another guest at the hotel. In response to his question about the thickness of the various ribeyes, the waiter returned with a slab of raw, gorgeous meat.
I had a tender strip steak, and it was delicious.
Tomorrow I head to Tapachula, near Mexico’s southern border with Guatemala, for reporting on various labor and migration issues. I’m sorry to leave Mexico City so soon. It’s not that I haven’t scratched the surface here; I haven’t even seen the surface. But there will be time for that in a couple weeks.
Hey Stephen,
I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed reading all your blogs- they are incredibly entertaining! Okay well I better get ready for this interview I have in 2 hours, but keep up the good work. Oh and the pics are great too.
I just want you to know how hard it was to not comment on slabs of gorgeous meat. Oh, wait, does that count?
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